Queria dizer que eu tô assim 🤯 Obrigada por toda essa curadoria e análise, Tutu. Tudo sobre linguagem me fascina e vc trouxe muitas referências espetaculares. Agora, vou ler mais uma vez pra absorver todas essas informações hahaha

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Aiee que delícia ver você por aqui! Fico superfeliz que esteja curtindo. Mandando um grande abraço pra você.

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This is awesome! As a linguist and literature researcher, I have to deal a lot with that kind of question involving languages, translations and the losses of meaning in the way. Some experts say that if you're not reading/listening something in its original language, you're not getting all the meanings it can have. We developed so many language figures and strategys through the eras that some languages are really unique, they have unique sounds, words and syntax that can not be completely translated.

Lately I read a short story about some utopic future in brazilian's northeast where people managed to translate the vibrations emited from cajueiros to human words. In the story, the trees don't talk much beyond things like "sun" or "water", and it makes me think how distant may be the "language" of plants that we could only understand this little part (the tendency of this text is called Sertãopunk, a new way to represent Northeast, you should read about it). It can be applyed to whales, or aliens (I'm a huge fan of Arrival too).

We live in a world made of language, and people should be more aware of it. When you start to comprehend the power of the language, you can undestand more about the world, the people and about our own self. Thanks for bringing it to your text.

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Willian, thank you so much for adding this! I was familiar with Sertãopunk, but just a name. I loved getting to know one of these stories, thank you. I agree, language also shapes how we think and exist, and it's a beautiful (and scary) idea. Let's keep this channel open to exchange more things like this. Have a wonderful week and um grande abraço.

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