🕸✨The Nexialist #0089
iranian girls and women | evangelical missionaries x indigenous people | nuda | spray-on dress | that girl | unholy | millenium
welcome to another collection of zeroes and ones intertwined with brainsparks, The Nexialist
hey, folks! these days have been feeling like a vortex around here, so i’ll keep the intro short and the nexialist more like an (affectionate) quickie. wish me luck with work, my dutch tests and the shorter days. thank you for reading, loving and sharing. 🫀
1 year ago » exactly one year ago, i took a break from the nexialist because the right half of my face was paralyzed due to a condition called bell’s palsy (apparently justin bieber also had it recently). it was quite a process to heal from it: it took 3 months for me to start seeing any improvements and now i’m so much better. even if my face changed with that situation, i can say i’m definitely stronger than before. i know this sounds cliché, but it is the reality. i can appreciate small things like being able to smile, and listen and care for my body in a different way than before. just wanted to share this as a way to remember how things change in a weird way.
🇮🇷Iranian girls and women

i get chills when i see these videos because they remind us of the power of women and girls in creating change. of course, the situation is not to be romanticized. these are intense protests that have been going on for weeks and people are being killed. but there is something so powerful and inspiring in seeing this. the spark it brings is about shifting structures.
Across Iran, videos show that women are most often at the forefront of the recent demonstrations, rallying crowds of both women and men by engaging in symbolic acts of defiance. One of these acts, women burning their hijabs, has become a dominant theme of the protests, representing both solidarity with Ms. Amini and pushback against the mandatory wearing of hijabs, one of the most visible symbols of the repression of women under the Islamic Republic.
Read: What Video Footage Reveals About the Protests in Iran | The New York Times
📿evangelical missionaries x indigenous people
it upsets me so much that this dynamic is still very much alive in my country. i can’t help but look at it as a dystopia: the smile that the pastor puts on when he says there is no limit to the growth of the church outright scared me. we talk about decolonizing, thinking we “just” need to “undo” things that happened in the past, perhaps forgetting it is still in offense in 2022.
thank you, Eta, for sharing this. Lina Simons is an italo-nigerian rapper based in london. i think it’s the first time i hear someone singing in neopolitan dialect, and the video is supercool. also, nuda means naked.
🕸spray-on dress
talking about naked, the internet was going bonkers over this coperni spray-on dress. it is so impressive and magical to see art, technology and fashion converging in one moment.
Coperni had opened with Hadid stepping up almost naked onto an illuminated platform before two people rushed up to her, whipped out some paint guns, and began spraying on her body. Out of it came a white substance that looked like cobwebs etching up her and eventually formed into a skin-tight white dress.
Read: How Bella Hadid’s Spray-On Dress That Turned Into Real Fabric Was Created | designtaxi
😎that girl
bree runway, giving us chic beats and looks. press play and put it on fullscreen, because it deserves this.
you probably have seen this already, but i’ll have to add it here. this song is haunting me and i caught myself wondering if they are already using dream ads, because it does not leave me alone. i just LOVE the cabaret video and the shift from reality to performance. so well done, i’ll accept this brainwashing.
one of those videos that make no sense, yet it’s a pleasure to watch. it’s 1999 in a nursing home, with nuns and patients and an et performing. let yourself go in this sci-fi short story. the music is great as well.
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🔌Let’s Collab?
I truly believe innovation comes from bringing improbable areas together, and that’s why I called this project The Nexialist. Some sectors are known to be self-referencing and hermetic. Sometimes teams are on autopilot mode, focused on the daily grind, which hinders innovation. As a Nexialist, I like to burst these bubbles, bringing references from different areas, and maintaining teams inspired and connected to the Zeitgeist.
I offer inspiration sessions, called Brainsparks, creative desk research (Zeitgeist Boost), Plug’n’Play deals for workshops and sprints, and other Bespoke formats. If you want to know more about this, send me an e-mail with your challenge(s) and we can figure something out together. Check out my website and some work I’ve done below: