🔨✨The Nexialist #0094
RIP Gal Costa | the culture economy, post-individualism & metalabels | trust in tech | wtf is an office job? | permacrisis | i’m not dead yet | flower bike man | stiekem
welcome to your weekly cyberprofane encounter with my online wanderings, The Nexialist
hello, everyone! now is the time to escape the dreadful feeling of your inbox a little bit, so come with me up this imaginary latter. today i bring content that will make you smile, maybe cry, definitely think a little bit. if it does cause any of these, i’ll ask you to share it with someone special who also deserves these rendezvous that i call The Nexialist. grab your drink of choice and come with me 🫀
1 year ago » 📿✨The Nexialist #0044 : María Lionza | Syncretism | Smartphones and Rosaries | Year to Year | Meta: Fantasy of Power | Paradoxical Relationships | Marx ft. Nietzche: How Art Can Save Us | Tempo
💃🏻RIP Gal Costa
the Tropicalia muse and icon Gal Costa left us yesterday and the whole country is mourning. her influence in brazilian and latin music is undeniable and she leaves us with an unforgettable body of work. she’s a symbol of brazilianness. vaca profana (profane cow) was my absolute favorite song she performed, though it was Caetano Veloso’s. it’s one of these songs that i wish everyone understood Portuguese and which i would ask to play if vecna came for me.
De perto ninguém é normal > From up close, no one is normal
Read: Iconic Brazilian singer Gal Costa dies at 77 | Washington Post
🫀the culture economy, post-individualism & metalabels

once in a while, i come across a text that stays with me and is the source of continuous brain sparks. this was the case for the Life after Lifestyle which I brought to the nexialist a few weeks ago. here, Thomas Klaffke from the Creative Destruction newsletter, comments and adds another layer talking about post-individualism. he adds a series of tweets from Yancey Strickler, cofounder of Kickstarter and Metalabels, which also keep echoing in my head since i read it. (nothing like a metaquote to explain the concept:
Yancey’s new project Metalabel tries to empower these post-individual creator organizations through what he calls metalabels:
“A metalabel is a release club where groups of people who share the same interest drop and support work together. It’s a lightweight structure that creates economic, emotional, and creative alignment between collaborators.
The Creator Economy is creativity in single-player mode: every creator competing against everyone else for followers and attention.
A metalabel is creativity in multiplayer mode: groups of people pooling skills, audiences, and resources in support of a larger creative vision or purpose.”
I couldn’t stop thinking of the Scenius aka communal genius. perhaps this way of thinking could help structure and boost the movement Rex Woodbury calls The Second Renaissance in his Creator Manifesto. some exciting stuff!
Read: Is The Culture Economy Next? - by Thomas Klaffke
🤷wtf is an office job?
i just love this kind of humor, so i had to bring it here for you. i took the time to transcribe the beginning of possibly the best answer to the question: what the f do you do in an office job.
offices are actually religious buildings. there’s this religion called Professionalism and one of its core tenets is hierarchy. so an office is just a shrine to hierarchy. if you hear things about a “mission, a vision or a goal” these are not real. the actual reason of being in an office is to demonstrate that you know this form of worship. so, it’s a polytheistic religion, it’s a little complicated. the Gods in Professionalism are Companies, which are non-human deities which sometimes take human forms as these things called C-levels.
📱trust in tech
this week Edelman Trust Barometer released the Trust in Technology report, and the findings are quite interesting. i made a jpeg with the top 10 learnings but i recommend navigating the whole thing if you work in any area related with tech, which is quite widespread today. while tech is the most trusted sector, you see people more aware and concerned about things like social media platforms or foreign tech. number 7 is quite powerful:
Sixty-eight percent of respondents agree tech companies should be required to contribute resources to the reskilling of workers who have been displaced by their technologies.
Read: 2022 Special Report: Trust in Technology | Edelman
that time of the year is arriving when we have our best/worst of the year and trend reports for the year to come. Collin’s word of the year comes as a punch in the stomach. thank you Leticia Xavier’s Inspiring Bits newsletter.
“Permacrisis,” which is defined as “an extended period of instability and insecurity” by the publisher, is one of a handful of words relating to the challenges posed by climate change, the war in Europe, a cost-of-living crisis and, in many quarters, political chaos. It was first used in academic contexts in the 1970s, according to Collins, but has seen a spike in use in recent months.
Read: Collins Dictionary names 'permacrisis' its 2022 word of the year - The Washington Post
🎭i’m not dead yet
nothing like a feel-good video/song after that heavy dose of reality. the song is made to stick to your brain and i just love the simplicity of the video. the make-up and mirroring idea feels like those creative artsy tv shows from my childhood. for some reason i feel my teenage brain being very pleased. also, as gemini, i do feel represented.
🌻flower bike man
my friend Tassia shared this with me and cried while watching it. i live in the center of Amsterdam and i can see these beautiful flower bikes all over the city, I even send photos and videos to my grandmother. so happy that @humansofamsterdam got the tell the story of the loving genius behind them, Warren aka @flowerbikeman. it’s a story about love, and how it transforms us and the world around us. this story just made my bike rides through amsterdam even more lovely. (he even puts honey in some of the flowers so the bees don’t feel fooled by the artificial flowers… how cute is that??). btw, if you ever come to town, i have a little guide.
again i felt like a teenager when this came out last Friday, playing this on repeat. goldband is one of the coolest bands atm for me, and they made a song with maan, one of the biggest pop stars from the Netherlands. also, she is dating one of the band members, karel gerlach aka the first paparazzo she seduces and... well, just watch. stiekem means secretly in dutch 🤫
i feel like the Dutch music scene has been vibrant these days with such nice collabs. this week I was also enjoying S10’s new album Ik Besta Voor Altijd Zolang Jij Aan Mij Denkt (it translates to I Exist Forever As Long As You Think Of Me)… quite appropriate when talking about mourning, right?
see you next week, profane cows ❤️🔥🐮
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🔌Let’s Collab?
I truly believe innovation comes from bringing improbable areas together, and that’s why I called this project The Nexialist. Some sectors are known to be self-referencing and hermetic. Sometimes teams are on autopilot mode, focused on the daily grind, which hinders innovation. As a Nexialist, I like to burst these bubbles, bringing references from different areas, and maintaining teams inspired and connected to the Zeitgeist.
I offer inspiration sessions called Brainsparks, creative desk research (Zeitgeist Boost), Plug’n’Play deals for workshops and sprints, and other bespoke formats. If you want to know more about this, send me an e-mail with your challenge(s) and we can figure something out together. Check out my website and some work I’ve done below: