🌀✨The Nexialist #0108
desire, i want to turn into you | love lexicon | american wh*re | borderline | how to deal with rejection | pornhub’s year in review | 2023 big ideas
welcome to another week of cybertrippin’, the nexialist
hello, folks! back to são paulo this week after an amazing time of reconnecting with my parents. i got to experience the most majestic natural beauty i’ve ever seen, the Iguaçu Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. i’m still in awe and feeling recharged.
this week in the nexialist you get some post-valentine’s day content, and some great new pop music. there is a side of me that would like to talk about the yanomami crisis in brazil, or the ufo’s situation, or the environmental accident in ohio … but i will leave this for the specialists. read until the end for a neat report with 2023’s big ideas. 🫀
1 year ago » 🧲✨The Nexialist #0058 : Weird Stuff | Brazilian Modernism and NFTs | Crypto as Ritual and Religion | History and Surprises | 3 Steps to The Future | Meta Trending Trends | Old vs New Music | Billions
2 years ago » 🧠✨The Nexialist #0007 : The Right to Party | Non-Carnaval | Reclaiming the Concrete Jungle | Peeking at North Korea
❤️🔥desire, i want to turn into you
caroline polachek’s album is finally out (i was talking about it here exactly a year ago when she released ‘billions’). and it was worth the wait. i can only think of the word masterpiece, because it feels so fresh and hypnotizing. the title of the album deeply resonates with me, even though i don’t know exactly what it means. this is the power of words, lyrics, and art, i guess, we feel it before we make sense of it.
read: Caroline Polachek: Desire, I Want to Turn Into You Album Review | Pitchfork
🫀love lexicon
this video was in the first edition of the nexialist and the topics brought here keep coming back to me, so i have to bring it back because it has so many gems. esther perel talks about love as a verb/practice, play as safe risk, loneliness as ambiguous loss, desire as self worth, aliveness as erotic intelligence and intuition as nonjudgemental assessment. i just wanted to reshare this keep our love vocabulary updated and to bring more presence to our relationships (with others and with ourselves).
“Desire As Self Worth: Desire is to own the wanting — that's one way of looking at it. And in order to own something, there needs to be a sovereign self that is free to choose and, of course, feels worthy of wanting and feels worthy of receiving. That's why desire is so intimately connected with the sense of self-worth.”
🇺🇸american wh*re
it’s been more than 10 years when we fell in love with lana’s video games. for some reason, i still listen to that album when i need to focus on work, it really puts me in the zone. and this new track just hits all the right places, starting in her earlier work and then surprising us with some amazing beats in the end. shaad d’souza puts in beautifully in his review: “the singer-songwriter breezes through every iteration of herself on a chimeric folk-trap ballad that acts as a crash course in Lana signifiers.”
read: Lana Del Rey: “A&W” Track Review | Pitchfork
tove lo is on fire (lol too literal). her new song and video are just so magnetic. i love the idea of giving life to the crash test dummy (and SPOILER ALERT in the end we learn it was actually the same character from one of my 2022 favorites, no one dies from love).
💔how to deal with rejection
these animations are so cute, and the content and reflection that it brings are quite helpful. where might this fear of rejection come from? and how to manage the feeling of rejection? something helpful for me was: is it really rejection or are you creating this in your head?
even rejections by relative strangers can hurt our feelings. this might seem like an overreaction, but just as bodily pain warns us about perceived threats to our physical well-being, hurt feelings warn us about perceived threats to our social well-being.
🍆pornhub’s year in review
matt klein’s learnings about porhub’s year in review got a lot of attention this week. i think it’s such an interesting report to somehow make a bit of sense of the collective deepest desires. i know (big)porn is a controversial topic, like we learned in erika lust’ tedx about the porn conversation (TN#95). but still, this data can make us wonder how this translates into the real world and what do they mean.
of course, there are different ways to look at all of them. one that stands out: the transgender category grew immensely, and is #1 in brazil while brazil is the country that kills the most transgenders in the world. so these trends here might carry other meanings, like keeping these fantasies only for porn and not translating them into the real world. just some thoughts. if an individual’s psyche is full of contraditions, imagine that of the collective. still, worth paying attention, imagining and making sense of it.

🌀2023 big ideas
ark invest’s big ideas 2023 report is not only beautifully designed but quite full of well-supported insights and trends. i was unable to read everything, but i love that they start the report talking about convergence and include ways of measuring converging techs. it’s worth downloading!
see you next time, brainsparks! ✨
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🔌Let’s Collab?
I truly believe innovation comes from bringing improbable areas together, and that’s why I called this project The Nexialist. Some sectors are known to be self-referencing and hermetic. Sometimes teams are on autopilot mode, focused on the daily grind, which hinders innovation. As a Nexialist, I like to burst these bubbles, bringing references from different areas, and maintaining teams inspired and connected to the Zeitgeist.
I offer inspiration sessions called Brainsparks, creative desk research (Zeitgeist Boost), Plug’n’Play deals for workshops and sprints, and other bespoke formats. If you want to know more about this, send me an e-mail with your challenge(s) and we can figure something out together. Check out my website and some work I’ve done below: